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About Immortal Game
Joined in May 2023
No Queen Side castling
Pawns may not advance two squares
This Knight must be the first of my team to capture
Check at least one time with this Knight
This Bishop must capture at least 2 pieces
Prevent Castling
Keep this Knight alive
Keep this Rook alive
This Knight cannot be played 3 times in a row and must survive
Be the first to capture 5 pieces
This Knight must capture at least 3 pieces
Checkmate with the Queen
Do doubled Pawns on column
This Rook must not move at all
The King cannot be played 3 times in a row
The Queen must capture at least 2 pieces
Checkmate with this Knight
Capture a Knight before any other kind of piece
Keep this Pawn alive
Keep this Queen alive
No castling
Be the first to capture one Knight
No King Side castling
Checkmate with this Rook
This Rook must capture at least 3 pieces
Win with at least 1 of my rooks remaining
Check at least one time with the Queen
This Pawn must not move at all
Your first Pawn promoted has to be a Bishop or a Knight
Check at least one time with this Rook
This Pawn must capture at least 3 pieces
This Bishop must be the first of my team to capture
Win with at least 4 of my pawns alive
Do Queen Side castling
Win in less than 30 moves
Be the first to capture both Bishops
The King must not move at all
This Bishop cannot be played 3 times in a row and must survive
This Rook cannot be played 3 times in a row and must survive
This Pawn must be the first of my team to capture
Checkmate with this Bishop
This Knight must not move at all
Have a passed Pawn
The Queen cannot be played 3 times in a row and must survive
Keep this Bishop alive
Don't be the first to capture anything
Capture 'En passant'
This Bishop must not move at all
Be the first to capture both Rooks
This Pawn must capture at least 2 pieces
Check at least one time with this Bishop
The Queen must not move at all
The Queen must be the first of my team to capture
Win in less than 40 moves
This Bishop must capture at least 3 pieces
Capture a Bishop before any other kind of piece
Be the first to capture 4 pieces
This Queen must capture at least 3 pieces
Be the first to capture 3 pieces
Be the first to capture one Bishop
This Rook must capture at least 2 pieces
Win without being checked more than 2 times
Be the first to capture both Knights
This Pawn cannot be played 2 times in a row and must survive
Don't have an isolated Pawn
Win in material deficit - minimum 3pts difference
Promote a Pawn
Be the first to capture one Rook
Capture a Pawn before any other kind of piece
Be the first to capture the Queen
This Pawn cannot be played 3 times in a row and must survive
Win with at least 1 of my bishops remaining
Win with at least 1 of my knights remaining
This Knight must capture at least 2 pieces
Win with more than 50% of your initial time on the clock
No pieces yet
Come back later!