Playing Immortal Game

How to play

How to play the Standard Variant

From the homepage, click on “Play Chess”. First, select in the “Opponent” section who you want to play against:

  • Anybody → Play against a random player online, selected though our matchmaking system to ensure a fair game.
  • Tournament → Play against random players in our weekly tournaments.
  • Friend → You can select a friend to play against, or see the game invites you have received.
  • Computer → Play against the computer to practice. You can select the difficulty in the “Computer level” section.

Then, in the “Variant” section, click on “Standard”. Finally, select the pace on the “Speed” section. Click on play and enjoy!

How to play the Immortal Variant

To play the Immortal variant, you will need Immortal pieces.

You can get Immortal pieces by buying them on ImmutableX Marketplace. You can also get free Ageless pieces by playing games in the standard variant.

Once that you have either an Ageless or Immortal piece, you need to create your preset. To do so, click on your username (left corner) and go to the "presets" page. Create your presets for White and Black. You can now play the Immortal variant. To do so, from the homepage, click on “Play Chess”. First, select in the opponent section who you want to play against:

  • Anybody → Play against a random player online, selected though our matchmaking system to ensure a fair game.
  • Tournament → Play against random players in our weekly tournaments.
  • Friend → You can select a friend to play against, or see the game invites you have received.
  • Computer → Play against the computer to practice. You can select the difficulty in the “Computer level” section.

Then, in the “Variant” section, click on “Immortal” and select the pace in the “Speed” section. Click on play and enjoy!